Ludlow Road
Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 5NS
Ollie Hughes AKA Robbie Williams has been wowing audiences for the past 10 years with his charismatic and flamboyant persona, establishing him as one of the best Robbie Williams Tributes in the UK.

His reputation is underpinned by the personal esteem he enjoys within the industry and his army of following fans. Oliver’s presence, talent and unmistakable Robbie Williams style was quickly recognised by the industry, when in his first year he received the award for “Best Newcomer” at the National Tribute Awards.
His popularity and outstanding talent has brought Oliver, newspaper, radio and media coverage, most notably with Pete Conway (Robbie Williams’ Father) on a Channel 5 programme where they performed together. Pete has since become a good friend and avid supporter following Oliver’s career closely.
His uncanny similarity to the man himself in voice, performance and charisma has made him a household name on the entertainment circuit in the UK and captured his demand to foreign shores with performances in Ireland, Spain and Morocco to date we are proud to say Ollie launched our very first ever tribute back in January 2007! BOOK HERE